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Image of Schleich - velociraptor - 14524

Image of Schleich - virginia reekalf - 14711

Image of Schleich - vleerhond - 14719

Image of Schleich - vliegende draak - 70508

Image of Schleich - voeren op de boerderij

Image of Schleich Waterloop

Image of Schleich Wild Life 14632 speelgoedfiguur kinderen

Image of Schleich Wild Life 14715 speelgoedfiguur kinderen

Image of Schleich Wild Life 14717 speelgoedfiguur kinderen

Image of Schleich Wild Life 14720 speelgoedfiguur kinderen

Image of Schleich Wild Life 14774 speelgoedfiguur kinderen

Image of Schleich Wild Life 41407 set speelgoedfiguren kinderen

Image of Schleich Wild Life 42239 set speelgoedfiguren kinderen

Schleich Wild Life 42239 set speelgoedfiguren kinderen

The feed box is filled with fresh leaves every day. For most of the animals on the farm the fresh leaves in the feed box are irresistible. When the animal keeper comes along with the box, they scrape the ground impatiently with their hooves and leap on...

Image of Schleich Wild Life 42241 speelgoedfiguur kinderen

Schleich Wild Life 42241 speelgoedfiguur kinderen

Giraffes are fed from high-hanging feed baskets. The large herbivores in the wild nature and the zoo need large amounts of fresh forage. Zebras and giraffes, rhinos and elephants eat the leaves off of entire branches. And they also like to eat the bark....

Image of Schleich Wild Life 42243 speelgoedfiguur kinderen

Schleich Wild Life 42243 speelgoedfiguur kinderen

Agaves are found in all tropical and subtropical areas. The undemanding plants also grow in very dry areas. Even the Indians used agave as medicinal plants. Agaves are a member of the asparagus family. Agaves are found around the world in tropical and...

Image of Schleich Wild Life 42244 speelgoedfiguur kinderen

Schleich Wild Life 42244 speelgoedfiguur kinderen

Herbivorous dinosaurs probably primarily subsisted off ferns. In the age of the dinosaurs forests of huge ferns covered the Earth. Today most ferns are no longer as large, but these ancient plants can still be found around the world. And in the tropical...

Image of Schleich Wild Life 42247 speelgoedfiguur kinderen

Image of Schleich Wild Life 42248 speelgoedfiguur kinderen

Schleich Wild Life 42248 speelgoedfiguur kinderen

In some countries, trained monkeys are used to harvest coconuts from palm trees. Palm trees are found in all tropical and subtropical areas of the world. Its predecessors could already be found on earth seventy million years ago. The overhanging leaves...

Image of Schleich Wild Life 42249 speelgoedfiguur kinderen

Schleich Wild Life 42249 speelgoedfiguur kinderen

Some species of vulture can even crack open thick animal bones to get at the marrow. In the desolation of the desert, sometimes one will encounter animal skeletons. The predators and vultures have left nothing but the bare bones of this cow. Over time...

Image of Schleich Wild Life 42251 set speelgoedfiguren kinderen

Image of Schleich Wild Life 42252 set speelgoedfiguren kinderen

Schleich Wild Life 42252 set speelgoedfiguren kinderen

Some agaves only blossom very rarely. You need to be very lucky to find butterflies on a blossoming agave. Large, colourful butterflies live in tropical regions. Two of these wonderful animals have landed on a blooming agave in search for nectar. If you...

Image of Schleich Wild Life 42254 set speelgoedfiguren kinderen

Schleich Wild Life 42254 set speelgoedfiguren kinderen

The blue poison dart frog isn’t actually especially poisonous. But it’s poisonous enough not to be eaten. On a leaf high up on a tree sits a blue poison dart frog. Its skin is of an azure colour. Unlike other frogs, the blue poison dart frog does...

Image of Schleich Wild Life 42276 Gorilla familie

Image of Schleich Wild Life 42277 Planten en voeds

Schleich Wild Life 42277 Planten en voeds

Plants don’t contain as much energy as meat, so herbivores that subsist off plants have to eat a lot more. Fresh fruits and leaves are the absolute favourite food for many animals. In nature, they often have to travel long distances, climb very high,...

Image of Schleich Wild Life Schorpioenhol

Image of Schleich - Wild Life Shark Figure (14700)

Image of Schleich - witkopzeearend - 14634

Image of Schleich - witte wolf - 14742

Image of Schleich - wolf - 14741

Image of Schleich - zaagvis - 14724

Image of Schleich - zebra veulen - 14393

Image of Schleich - zebra vrouwtje - 14392

Image of Schleich - zeehond - 14702

Image of Schleich - zeehond jong - 14703

Image of Schleich - zeeschildpad - 14695

Image of Schleich - zwarte panter - 14688

Image of Schleich - zwarte stier - 13722

Image of Schlenker-Tier Krokodil

Image of Schlenker-Tier Löwe

Image of Schlenker-Tier Zebra

Image of Schleudersegler Explorer

Image of Schleudersegler Space

Image of Schlimmer Finger

Image of Schlips Satin, schwarz

Image of Schlittensitz Davos

Image of Schlumpf Bräutigam

Image of Schlumpf Dschungel, Abenteurer

Image of Schlumpf Dschungel, Beobachter

Image of Schlumpf Dschungel, Entdecker

Image of Schlumpf Dschungel müde