Nitaya claims he once swam all the way to the source of the Rainbow River. The great rainbow river is full of colourful fish. Nitaya is one of them, but a very special one. It is very popular among all the river dwellers, because it is very entertaining...
Snoopy is on his way back home. He will very soon lay down on his doghouse's roof and take a nap or philosophise about the world.
Snoopy is not only a fantastic pilot and ice-dancing trainer, he is also of course Joe Cool. His black sunglasses give him just the right coolness required as a successful surfer and roller skater.
Lucy is annoyed, she has just explained Charlie for the umpteenth time why things always go wrong for him. But he just does not understand. ""He can't be helped!""
When Linus is around, Sally is always happy. Her sweetheart does certainly not often notice her, but at least he is in the same room. Ah, if he could just once go for a walk with her, she would be in 7th heaven.
Charlie's second best friend needs only one thing to be happy: his security blanket. If Sally was not always after him, he could think in peace or simply cuddle his blanket.
Charlie wearing a winter coat, Snoopy with his woolly hat and a doghouse decorated ""with love"" for Christmas. They make for a true Christmas spirit. Look at Charlie's splendid Christmas tree.
Belle is Snoopy's pretty sister. Unfortunately, they don't see each other too often, because Belle lives very far away. She looks confusingly similar to her brother, although he would never wear little bows in his hair or a necklace around his neck.
Charlie is sad, like most of the time. He doesn't understand the world anymore, although he did everything right this time. But once again, he is the loser. As always. Poor, poor Charlie Brown.
Franklin was introduced as the first African American character to appear in the Peanuts comic strip. Franklin shares many interests with Linus, being equally well versed in the Old Testament, and appears to have the best friendship with Charlie Brown,...
Linus as a pumpkin, Snoopy as Flying Ace and who is dressed as a ghost? Charlie Brown, because it's Halloween. Trick or treats!
Anyone who knows the Peanuts knows this scene: Charlie takes a run-up to kick the football and Lucy pulls it away at the last minute. Poor Charlie kicks into the air and falls on his seat. A great classic!
Snoopy is always horsing around and even Charlie Brown sometimes doesn't know what to do about it. But Snoopy has also a huge heart and because he can not speak, he says it with a sign: ""I love you!""
Snoopy and Woodstock are best buddies. The little yellow bird is also Snoopy's secretary. But these services are not required right now. Woodstock needs to be cheered up because once again he landed in Snoopy's bowl and he is soaked to the skin.
Woodstock is Snoopy's best friend and at the same time his secretary. After all he knows shorthand and can typewrite. Unfortunately, he's not so good at flying. Which is why he often lands unintentionally in Snoopy's bowl.
The Velociraptor had a retractable, sickle-shaped claw on the middle toe of each foot. Three dinosaurs are out on the hunt. As far as known, the small carnivorous dinosaurs were very clever about it. They probably hunted in groups, just like lions do....