Along with her horse, the equestrienne enjoys the day. Once they break into galloping away, they forget the world surrounding them. Western riding is based on the cowboys’ riding style. The different drills derive from the latter. Our Western equestrienne...
For a proper horse friend there’s nothing more pleasant than taking care of her animal after riding it. Certainly, your horse will be hungry. Luckily, there already are fresh carrots and crisp apples for your horse in the feed box. You’ll only have...
A horse blanket protects the animal from cold and bad weather. Also, your favourite horse looks great with the plaid blanket. Lead your horse by the halter across the yard into the stable where it can finally rest and eat after a busy day.
Our Schleich Western saddle fits perfectly on almost all Schleich horses. Many riders choose a western saddle, because it provides safety and comfort. Of course, the matching bridle is just as high quality as the light brown saddle.
The show rider has trained hard with her horse to be able to win the show. When preparing for a big horse show, you have to practise with your horse every day. Sometimes you have to be on the training course very early in the morning. Often it is still...
A tournament saddle gives the horse the greatest freedom possible and keeps the rider safe on top. The Schleich tournament saddle looks very classy and fits most Schleich horses. Jumping saddles are specially designed saddles for showjumping. A tournament...
The Schleich fly rug can be easily draped on all Schleich horses, keeps away flies and looks great. A fly blanket is very useful, especially in summer. A fly blanket keeps the little pests from your favourite horse when it is warm. The Schleich thermal...
Somehow, a chicken always manages to get out of the coop. Whenever kids come to visit the farm, they are allowed to go to the hens’ coop to feed the hens. Sometimes they also have to clean out and put in new hay. When all the chickens eat, it is a good...
The thermal blanket and matching travel boots protect the beloved horse on the way to the next tournament. That way, it will arrive healthy and safe. Transport boots protect horses’ delicate hooves from injury. Today it is cooler outside. The rider...
All four obstacles are based on real horse show obstacles. Whoever wants to win the tournament must master all the obstacles with his horse. The four obstacles of the Schleich show-jumping course are quite demanding. So be sure to concentrate when you...
Domestic goats were likely domesticated long before the 11th century BC in the Middle East. They descended from the bezoar goat. The goat is a cow of the poor because it is easy to raise. Goats are used to produce meat, leather and milk. Due to their...
Shire is a draft horse that weighs over 1,200 kg. Its height at the withers is 1.78 meters on average and it is the tallest horse breed in the world. The largest Shire horse ever measured was a gelding with a withers height of 2.19 meters. These horses...
On of the main characteristic of Texas Longhorns, as their name suggests, is their long curved horns. They can reach up 2 meters. This breed was close to extinction in the 1920s. Today it is kept mainly in Texas particularly because of its lean meat..
""Now you can start the big party,"" Feya says smiling, beholding her image in the mirror, and wearing her new dress. How radiantly beautiful she is. Feya doesn’t go anywhere without her hairbrush. Feya had spent so many days sewing her new dress, tried...
The manes of Rainbow Unicorns glisten in the morning sun in all colors of the rainbow. Their bodies are adorned colorful gems. Those shy, noble animals are very secretful and rarely seen by humans. The few who were lucky enough to get them to face, talk...