The elves get the pearls and golden flowers from a faraway enchanted valley. Elves love to celebrate great feasts. At such festivals they make music for days, eat and dance. In the days before the festival all the preparations are made, above all, all...
Batman is Gotham City's dark hero. He has vowed to rid the city of crime. Whenever a new villain appears in town, Batman sets out to fight him. Batman doesn’t actually have superpowers, unlike other superheroes. Batman, the Dark Knight of Gotham City,...
Batman kneels ready to jump. Quietly he observes the criminals who threaten Gotham City, but in the next moment he will strike and fight his opponents by any means. Batman doesn’t actually have superpowers, unlike other superheroes. Batman, the Dark...
Harley Quinn leads her own battle against Batman. She wears a black and red harlequin costume. Harley Quinn is immune against every kind of poison. Harley Quinn leads her own battle against Batman. She wears a black and red harlequin costume. Behind her...
Green Lantern draws all his power from his mysterious ring that grants him supernatural abilities. He uses all his powers to fight evil villains. Green Lantern has to recharge his ring every 24 hours. Green Lantern draws all his power from his mysterious...
Superman and Darkseid are bitter enemies. The villain and ruler of Apokolips fights the Justice League of the good superheroes by any means. But so far, Superman was able to beat him again and again. Darkseid comes from an alien planet called Apokolips....
These cheeky and cuddly Dwarf goats are usually born as twins or triplets. Dwarf goats originally come from West Africa, which is why they are also referred to as ""West African Dwarfs."" They arrived in Europe back in the 17th century. Today, they are...
In the deepest dungeon of the Dragon castle lies a skeleton. Some say it is that of a king who rises at full moon to take revenge on his enemies… It is said that the skeleton is that of an ancient king. In the deepest dungeon of the Dragon castle lies...