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Image of Schlauchboot mit Werkantrieb

Image of Schleich 14513 speelgoedfiguur kinderen

Image of Schleich 14514 speelgoedfiguur kinderen

Image of Schleich 14568 speelgoedfiguur kinderen

Image of Schleich 14582 speelgoedfiguur kinderen

Image of Schleich 14680 speelgoedfiguur kinderen

Image of Schleich 16379 speelgoedfiguur kinderen

Image of Schleich 41455 set speelgoedfiguren kinderen

Image of Schleich 42056 speelgoedfiguur kinderen

Image of Schleich 42057 speelgoedfiguur kinderen

Image of Schleich 42126 set speelgoedfiguren kinderen

Schleich 42126 set speelgoedfiguren kinderen

Ponies need saddles that are specially adapted to their size. With this saddle, long and fun rides on the back of your favourite pony are guaranteed. Of course, the matching bridle is part of the set.

Image of Schleich 42151 set speelgoedfiguren kinderen

Image of Schleich 42177 set speelgoedfiguren kinderen

Schleich 42177 set speelgoedfiguren kinderen

You can decorate the elf ring yourself with tiny blossoms. Many elves have a small treasure. This can be jewellery, precious stones, a decorated mirror or a secret diary. When you open the treasure chest, you will find a wonderful elf ring. It's only...

Image of Schleich 42196 set speelgoedfiguren kinderen

Image of Schleich 42199 set speelgoedfiguren kinderen

Image of Schleich 42250 speelgoedfiguur kinderen

Schleich 42250 speelgoedfiguur kinderen

Up to 80 young crocodiles can hatch from a clutch of crocodile eggs. In the shadow of the agave, a young crocodile just hatched from the egg. As long as it is small, it will be protected by its mother from predators such as monitor lizards and birds of...

Image of Schleich 42253 set speelgoedfiguren kinderen

Schleich 42253 set speelgoedfiguren kinderen

Most animals are crazy about fresh fruits. The keeper must take good care that every one of them gets some of it. Animal feed must always be fresh, otherwise sensitive animals will become ill. Most animals are crazy about fresh fruits. As soon as the...

Image of Schleich 70468 speelgoedfiguur kinderen

Image of Schleich - alligator - 14727

Image of Schleich - alligator jong - 14728

Image of Schleich Amazone Magenta

Image of Schleich - amerikaanse bizon - 14714

Image of Schleich - andalusier veulen - 13669

Image of Schleich - anhanguera - 14540

Schleich - anhanguera - 14540

Anhanguera is a pterosaur with a wingspan of up to 4 metres. In the Indian language, its name means ""old devil"". The name Anhanguera means “old devil” in the language of the Indians. The Anhanguera was a pterosaur with a wingspan of up to 4 metres....

Image of Schleich - apalu - 70495

Image of Schleich - appaloosa hengst - 13733

Image of Schleich - ara - 14737

Image of Schleich - arabische merrie - 13761

Image of Schleich - arabische merrie met deken

Schleich - arabische merrie met deken

Any competition is a very exciting event for the horse and rider. So in order to make the animal beautiful on the big day, its mane is braided. Often, the result looks like a real piece of art with an enchanting name such as Iberian braid or African braid....

Image of Schleich - ardennen hengst - 13778

Image of Schleich - aziatische olifant baby - 14655

Image of Schleich - aziatische olifant mannetje - 14653

Image of Schleich - barapasaurus

Image of Schleich - bashkir curly merrie - 13780

Image of Schleich bayala 41437 speelgoedfiguur kinderen

Image of Schleich bayala 41438 speelgoedfiguur kinderen

Image of Schleich bayala 41439 set speelgoedfiguren kinderen

Image of Schleich bayala 41440 set speelgoedfiguren kinderen

Image of Schleich bayala 42109 set speelgoedfiguren kinderen

Schleich bayala 42109 set speelgoedfiguren kinderen

All the elves love forest elves, which is why they give one of their horses to a forest elf so they can ride together across meadows and through forests. A forest elf is allowed to ride almost every horse. A forest elf can ride nearly any horse because...

Image of Schleich bayala 42141 set speelgoedfiguren kinderen

Schleich bayala 42141 set speelgoedfiguren kinderen

The unicorns’ favourite mushrooms possess magical powers that make the animals invisible. Feeding a unicorn or a Pegasus needs infinite patience, because these miracle creatures are extremely shy and show themselves only very rarely. Once you have finally...

Image of Schleich bayala 42147 speelgoedfiguur kinderen

Image of Schleich bayala 42148 modeontwerpkit kinderen

Schleich bayala 42148 modeontwerpkit kinderen

Elf jewellery is always filled with magical power. Can you feel it? Who wouldn’t want to be an elf for once? Beautiful, dignified, and light as a feather. You can decorate your elf bracelet as you like best and be a member of the great and wonderful...

Image of Schleich bayala 42172 set speelgoedfiguren kinderen

Image of Schleich bayala 42173 set speelgoedfiguren kinderen

Image of Schleich bayala 42174 set speelgoedfiguren kinderen

Image of Schleich bayala 42178 set speelgoedfiguren kinderen

Schleich bayala 42178 set speelgoedfiguren kinderen

Eyela loves to use her magic wand to cast spells. All elves can fly, but only few know magic well. Those who use the power of magic heal animals, help other elves or practise new magic tricks. A crystal ball lets the elves look at faraway places or into...

Image of Schleich bayala 42179 set speelgoedfiguren kinderen

Schleich bayala 42179 set speelgoedfiguren kinderen

Only very few elves can really use magic. The elf magician has a beautiful, ornate chest. There, she keeps all of her magical objects. Special flowers that already enchant with their scent, various potions that relieve pain, heal wounds and create fantastic...

Image of Schleich bayala 42180 set speelgoedfiguren kinderen

Schleich bayala 42180 set speelgoedfiguren kinderen

Anyone who’s ever stroked and brushed a unicorn will remember it for the rest of their lives. Unicorns and flying horses are very, very shy. They show themselves only to a few elves and only a few can stroke or even ride them. Anybody, whom they allow...

Image of Schleich bayala 42181 set speelgoedfiguren kinderen

Schleich bayala 42181 set speelgoedfiguren kinderen

Feya and Eyela love to go picnicking – and so do all their friends. On sunny days, the elf friends often saddle their horses and ride to one of their favourite places at the lake or to the magic rocks on the hill to have long picnics there. They spread...

Image of Schleich bayala 42183 set speelgoedfiguren kinderen